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Laghey Primary School, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone

Pupil Data Collection Form

It is important that our school has the most up to date contact information for all our pupils and parents. A data collection form is required for all New P1 Admissions and each child in the family currently attending Laghey Primary School to update our records accordingly. 

Please complete all details requested.

GDPR - Data Protection Statement

The information provided (on this form) by you to Laghey Primary School is required by us to have appropriate means to contact you as parent/guardian of a student attending this school. When we process your personal information, for example, collect it on a form or store it in a file or on a computer, the school is obliged to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will process your personal information on the legal basis that it is part of our legitimate purpose to operate. Your personal information will not be shared or processed for any other purpose without your express consent. We have published detailed Privacy Notices on our website and we have hard copies available at our school office. Our Privacy Notice provides further information on how and why we process your personal information as well as details on how to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Please read our Privacy Notices carefully before completing this form.

Pupil Details
Contact Details
Laghey Primary school have a Private Parent Text Messaging Service linked to the Schools NI app to enable the school to contact parents/guardian in the event of an emergency. The first preference contact details will be added to the messaging service.

Please give details of all persons who have parental responsibility and anyone else you wish to be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Place them in order of contact priority. For example, you may wish to put the mother or father in the 1st and 2nd boxes.

List these in order of priority to be contacted.
Parent/Guardian 1 - First point of contact
Parent/Guardian 2 - Second point of contact
Other Contact