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Laghey Primary School, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone

Springtime is here!

13th Mar 2025
We have had a lovely week in Primary 1 and 2, the sun has been shining and we have enjoyed lots of playtime under clear, blue skies. Sean very kindly brought in some beautiful daffodils to brighten up our classroom and Mrs Mullan gifted me some eggs fresh from her farm. The children were interested in the eggs and together we decided to make some egg muffins. The boys and girls let me know what ingredients we needed and this morning we set to work, making our creations and they were delicious! The children helped to wash and chop the vegetables and whisk the eggs and then we made our egg muffins and popped them in the oven while Mrs Neill kept an eye on them. Almost everyone had a little try and lots of boys and girls went back for more. It was a great success! The children enjoyed cooking and they expressed that they would like to do it more often, so we will try to do some more baking before Easter.