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Laghey Primary School, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone


18th Sep 2024
The newly appointed School Council did us all proud yesterday, during our beginning...
17th Sep 2024
The P1&2 children have really enjoyed learning about the changes in the seasons....
17th Sep 2024
The P1-7 classes have been enjoying working on their Gaelic skills with Owen over...
16th Sep 2024
In our first unit of Grow in Love this year the boys and girls in p6/7 are learning...
13th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our weekly award winners. They have come back to school after...
13th Sep 2024
We would like to invite applications for our 2024-25 Eco Council! A job description...
13th Sep 2024
Enjoying all our practical activities in ICT. Our focus this week in ICT was to create...
13th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our newly elected School Council members for 2024-25. We had...
13th Sep 2024
The P6/7 children have been busy learning about their Fantastic Bodies in World Around...
12th Sep 2024
Today, P6/7 commenced their first block of swimming for the year. Everyone enjoyed...